Stylebop 德國精品電商| 傳出破產消息 20190821
Stylebop is insolvent. Almost time-honored online shops can fail so well. You can take a lesson from it. The crash, even of stationary dealers, never comes because of "the Internet" or because of "Amazon". The end is (almost) always and simply the result of management mistakes. Let's see how things continue at Media Saturn.
///// TRADE NATIONALStylebop at the end
The German luxury online retailer Stylebop does not get a payment delay from its suppliers. Now that will be Bankruptcy proceedings opened, Stylebop was one of the first online fashion stores in Germany in 2004. "The clear vision and direction were lacking, the restructuring was initiated too late, the measures were taken in the wrong place, and the expansion into Asia was miscalculated and a lot of money was burnt, most recently lacking the necessary technical innovation." TextilWirtschaft comments on the reasons for the failure. Crisis causes, which may seem familiar to many from the own house.
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